Thursday, June 28, 2007

I am back to Singapore!

I touched down to home soil yesterday evening, around 11.40pm. The feeling was estatic. It's nice to be back home after being away for 6 months.

Prior to returning, I had one of the most memorable (if not the most memorable) holiday in my life. It was a nice getaway from lab work and school. Thanks Suling and her aunts for the wonderful memories. I have not been so happy for a long time.

The holiday begun immediately upon their touch-down on 22nd June. Upon checking in at Dosett Seaview, we went to 联邦 for yum cha. This is one of the best along Nathan Road, clearly showcased the quintessence of Canto food culture. Shopping at Harbour City followed and it was rounded up by the Symphony of Light along Victoria Harbour.

We went to Shenzhen and Guangzhou on Sat and Sun and for the final 3 days before our return to Singapore, we toured Ocean Park, Repulse Bay, Victoria Peak, Tai O etc. Of course, a trip to HK will not be completed without some shopping.

Near Luo Wu border in shenzhen.

With Wiskers in Ocean Park.

From Victoria Peak.

Hiking @ Sai Kung.

In Tai O.
Top amusing incidents:

1. Adidas shoe. Suling wanted to get a pair of adidas shoe very much but the 3 outlets which have the shoe don't have a new pair; they only have the display pair. In the end, after much "thinking", she decided to get the display pair with better conditions. The moral of the story is, sometimes a good horse has to back track to eat the grass coz it's greener. Lol.

2. Shoe lace. I wanted to get shoe lace in Haizhu Square in Guangzhou. It cost RMB$3 but I remembered getting it for only RMB$1 2 years ago. In the end, because of pride, I didn't go back and get it. Instead, 3 days later, I got it for HK$10. The moral of the story is, we have to pay a price for pride.

3. Incident @ Da Tong Restaurant. This lengendary dim sum restaurant is also well known for its rude service. Suling's aunt's friend complained to the manager regarding the bad service in 3 languages (Cantonese follow by English follow by Mandarin):

Suling's aunt's friend: "(Canto) 你的服务员,态度很不好。(English) Very rude you know. When I asked her for the price again, she gave me a look, show an angry face and walk away. (Mandarin) 那里可以这样 。。。"

Manager: "..."

Lol. The manager was dumbfounded (coz she don't understand). The moral of the story is, most people in the world can't change channel like we do in Singapore.

4. Sucky food at Baiyun Mountain. Nothing much to write. Just that the food sucks big time. The moral of the story is, you don't get good canto food everywhere in Guangzhou.

5. Taxi ride around Guangzhou. We took a taxi from our hotel to Tee Mall. It costs RMB$53! Holy crab. It's expensive, given the fact that cab rides in Guangzhou is relatively cheap. The driver took us almost one round Guangzhou and discussed a lot of politics with us. He even asked whether we would like to see China fighting a war with US. Suling's aunt and I chatted with him most of the time, albeit sarcastic most of the time. Most memorable part of the conversation:

Driver: "Singaporean are street-smart; if not, why will the country develop so fast in the past 30+ years ..."

Suling's aunt: "No lah, still got a lot to learn from you all; we wouldn't dare to display any tricks in front of you people."

Me: "Yah lor. If really so smart, then won't be riding in your cab for an round-Guangzhou trip..."

Driver: "..."

The moral of the story is, when we get cheated, we must make sure that the other party knows that we know we are getting cheated. Singaporeans are not that dumb afterall; get back at them with our own flavour of sarcasm.

6. Walking around the business district. Suling and I walked around Central-Admiralty area after visiting victoria peak. She begun to utter things like "IFC won by height; other than that, its not architecturally pleasing. BOC is amazing, both in lightings and structure. Lippo is like a pair of enantiomers etc." Never seen her so relax like this before. The moral of the story is, walking around a concrete jungle can be a new experience.

7. Suling's aunt and friend got "lost". I waited for them at the harbour in TST; instead they were at the harbour in Sheung Wan. Lol. The moral of the story is, know your destination before taking any transport.

8. Hiking in Sai Kung. Upon reaching mid-way, we decide to back track via another path instead of completing section 2. This is mainly due to the flat terrain in the alternative path. In the end, we realized that the alternative path is not that nice to walk afterall (boring?). The moral of the story is, it may be more worthwhile to walk a little longer to look at breath-taking sceneries.

PS: We missed out Tai Long Sai Wan (2nd half of section 2), which was being voted as the most scenic spot in HK this year. On the whole, it was fruitful as we been to the 4 of the top 10 most scenic spot in HK - Tai O, Long Ke Wan, High Island Reservoir and Victoria Peak. Not too bad for a 4 days trip in HK. :)

9. Last minute shopping. Suling and I literally ran around for last minute shopping. Our itinerary: Causeway Bay --> Admiralty --> Kwun Tung --> Mongkok. Lol. It's like a mess. The moral of the story is, plan your shopping itinerary before you set off.

10. Umberalla @ Bosinni. Conversation:

Suling: "Wah, even the umberalla looks so nice. But quite stupid hor, come all the way to HK to buy umberalla. Wonder if they sell similar design in Singapore."

Me (jokingly): "Well, you can try to ask the sales assistant whether they stock it in Singapore."

Suling (enthusiastically): "Excuse me, I wonder whether Singapore has similar design."

Sales assistant: "... ...; err, I am sorry but I am not sure as I've not been to Singapore."


11. Searching for entertainment. Suling have an urge to play pool and bowl. We went around but to no avail; it's either too smoky and sleazy (Golden Chicken) or not available (Olympic City). The moral of the story is, not many places are like Singapore.

12. Trip to Tai O. We went to Tai O before our flight. We reached the airport just on time, 40 mins before the flight. Luckily there is no jam in the mountainous Lantau terrain. The moral of the story is, do not gamble before your flight back home; not every day is a Sunday.

Top quotable quotes (won't mention names of the person saying :p):

1. In Guangzhou's cab. "How come the meter don't jump? (remains at RMB$7 for the first 2.4km) Wah like that what they earn? In Singapore, before the bud warms up, it's already S$4.50 during peak hour.

2. In Guangzhou. "You guess how much the wanton noodle is? It's only RMB$5. So cheap. Some more the wanton very big. So full. I can split it up into 2 portions and eat for 2 meals."

3. In Guangzhou, after the RMB$53 cab ride. "It's RMB$53! You can eat 10 bowls of wanton noodle, 20 meals. Lol."

4. In Guangzhou, after the dim sum in Da Tong. "If it's my brother-in-law, he'll walk out. Then the manager come; he'll say, "you go ask your gal lah; no service expects us to pay ah?""

5. In HK. "Hello, Chong/Dennis, I need a cab from ____ to ____ in 30mins. Can you get me one? Thanks."

6. In HK. "Next time, I will take one day to complete each colour (MRT line) and shop along all the malls along it; if not, very empty leh."

Of course. A holiday will not be perfect without a perfect companion. Suling has been a superb companion in this trip and I really enjoyed her company.

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