Wednesday, June 06, 2007

*Stressful stressful*

Stressful again? Lol.

Die ah. Prof. Wu came back but I have got nothing to report to him. Last week was learning and installing system and network for the 24 new computers. Then I have the darn Bioanalytical Chemistry exam to worry about (in the end, I didn't study for it. Lol). The week before, I was focusing on my "dream" project. Haha. So in the end, I didn't do much. Stress to the limit.

Sigh, it's my fault also. Too stubborn. Keep doing my "dream" project. I was also disturbed by other things as well. Too many things in my mind.

Was quite pissed with the 2 CHEM398 (something like the UROPS in NUS) students yesterday. They gave me the impression that since it's holiday now, they don't want to finish up the stuff and just want to quickly settle the presentation. Despite wanting to quickly settle the presentation, they asked Xin Hao and I whether they can slow down the pace of research??? Hello, so what you you guys want? Pissed lor. Some more, now they are in "trouble" coz boss gave them the same project. They have to present separately but I am wondering how are they going to do that? Not possible lor.

1 comment:

jinro said...

chill out~~ :)